In one week the Danish parliament will vote on a bill known locally as the QURAN Law.
It is the one that will introduce – amongst other things – “prohibition against inappropriate treatment of writings with religious significance for a recognized religious community”
In other words: It will be punishable for instance to set BIBLEs, TORAs, BOOK OF MORMONs, QURANs, TRIPITAKAs and similar others on fire if you so wish.
This law will be a gross violation of the freedom of speech and expression protection laid down in the Danish constitution and a pitiful knee-jerk reaction to brutal despots and religious fanatics.
An associate Danish judge has formulated it extremely precisely. “With this bill we show the women who are imprisoned, sentenced, flogged, stoned and killed to the sound of recitation of the words of a fabricated almighty that the holy scriptures are better protected in Denmark than the bodies and lives are in countries where these demands come from.”
The proposed sanctions of this so called QURAN bill are completely grotesque. If you set fire to a specific book, you risk up to two years in prison.
With the words of William Shakespeare: “Something is rotten in the State of Denmark”